16+ Music Scholarships 

16+ music scholarships are awards made to talented young musicians at the age of 15 or 16 to attend British private schools. Scholarships are come with different awards depending on the school, but most involve a reduction in school fees — sometimes up to £50,000 per year — and free music lessons in up to two instruments.

Prelude Education is Britain’s only music-specialist scholarship advisory service and we offer a variety of bespoke support to parents help their children achieve music scholarships.

Child playing cello

What are 16+ music scholarships?

16+ music scholarships are awards given to students who have demonstrated exceptional musical talent and potential in their auditions for entry into private schools.

These scholarships provide financial assistance and often include access to high-quality music education and performance opportunities.


To be considered for a 16+ music scholarship, a student will need to have achieved at least a Grade 8 or equivalent. Preferably, they will also be able to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in more than one musical instruments or in vocal performance.

Ralph Allwood MBE, Ex-Director of Music at Eton College for 26 years, leads our Music Scholarship team

We offer

  • Private lessons from specialist music scholarship teachers 

  • Consultations with Ralph Allwood MBE

  • Mock scholarship auditions 

  • Personalised shortlist of scholarships suited to your child

  • Year-long bespoke scholarship plan for your child

Child playing cello

What is the standard expected for 16+ music scholarship applicants?

 Schools that offer 16+ music scholarships have varying requirements and also assess different areas. In general, however, successful 16+ music scholarship applicants will be expected to: 

  1. Play at least two instruments, or voice and one instrument

  2. Attained at least Grade 8 standard in their principal instrument. Note, students do not need to have taken music exams (e.g. ABRSM) but must be able to play to at least the level of Grade 8

  3. Complete an audition 

Some schools, however, have further requirements. 

The Westminster School 16+ music scholarship, for instance, involves applicants to be invited for interview after the Sixth Form Entrance Exams

The Latymer Upper School 16+ music scholarship similarly requires students to undergo an interview, where they are asked to respond to aural, theory and general music questions appropriate to their standard.


Competition for music scholarships at top private schools can be fierce, with many talented students vying for a limited number of scholarship spots.

It's important to start preparing early — we recommend two years — and to work with an experienced and knowledgeable music teacher.

We have created this Ultimate Guide to Music Scholarships that has more information.

As Britain’s only music-specialist scholarship advisory service, we have supported over 400+ students to achieve music scholarships and offer a range of services to support children to achieve scholarships at their first choice schools.

Parent looking for more music scholarship advice? get in touch today